How this site works
I rebuilt my website using Next.js 14
with React Server Components, focusing on performance, minimalism, and user experience while incorporating powerful features. Here's a detailed breakdown of how everything works.
Core Architecture
File Structure
├── app/ # Next.js 14 app directory
│ ├── page.js # Homepage
│ ├── layout.js # Root layout
│ ├── post/[slug]/ # Dynamic blog routes
│ ├── library/ # Library section
│ └── projects/ # Projects section
├── components/ # React components
├── lib/ # Utilities and data
├── content/ # Markdown content
└── public/ # Static assets
Core Technologies
- Next.js 14 with React Server Components
- Pure CSS with CSS Variables (no frameworks)
- Supabase for real-time features
- Custom fonts (Geist Mono & Sentient)
Feature Implementations
1. Dynamic Theming
Automatically detects system preferences and applies themes using CSS variables:
// ThemeHandler.jsx
export default function ThemeHandler() {
useEffect(() => {
const setTheme = (e) => {
e.matches ? "dark" : "light",
const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
mediaQuery.addEventListener("change", setTheme);
return () => mediaQuery.removeEventListener("change", setTheme);
}, []);
Theme variables:
[data-theme="light"] {
--color-bg: #ffffff;
--color-text: #18181b;
--color-link: #2563eb;
[data-theme="dark"] {
--color-bg: #09090b;
--color-text: #fafafa;
--color-link: #3b82f6;
2. Real-time Statistics
Each page tracks views and likes with efficient caching:
// supabase.js
export async function getStats(pageId) {
const cached = statsCache.get(pageId);
if (cached && - cached.timestamp < CACHE_TIME) {
try {
const { data } = await supabase
.select("views, likes")
.eq("id", pageId)
// Cache and return results
const result = data || { views: 0, likes: 0 };
statsCache.set(pageId, { data: result, timestamp: });
return result;
} catch {
return { views: 0, likes: 0 };
3. Library System
Interactive book showcase with 3D effects:
const BookCard = ({ book }) => {
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);
return (
className={`book-card ${isActive ? "touch-active" : ""}`}
onTouchStart={() => setIsActive(true)}
onTouchEnd={() => setIsActive(false)}
"--book-color": book.coverColor,
color: shouldUseWhiteText(book.coverColor) ? "#fff" : "#000",
<div className="book-content">
<h3 className="book-title">{book.title}</h3>
<p className="book-author">{}</p>
4. Code Block System
Multi-language support with syntax highlighting:
const TabsCodeBlock = memo(({ blocks }) => {
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState(0);
return (
<div className="code-block-container">
<div className="tabs-code-header">
<div className="code-tabs">
{, index) => (
isActive={activeTab === index}
onClick={() => setActiveTab(index)}
<CopyButton code={blocks[activeTab].code} />
{/* Content rendering logic */}
5. LaTeX Support
Mathematics rendering with KaTeX:
const LatexRenderer = ({ content }) => {
useEffect(() => {
const mathElements = containerRef.current.querySelectorAll(
mathElements.forEach((elem) => {
katex.render(elem.textContent, elem, {
displayMode: elem.classList.contains("math-display"),
throwOnError: false,
}, [content]);
6. Dynamic Table of Contents
Smart TOC with scroll tracking:
const TOCButton = () => {
const [activeId, setActiveId] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(
(entries) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
{ rootMargin: "-20% 0% -35% 0%" },
// Observe headings
document.querySelectorAll("h2, h3, h4").forEach((heading) => {
if ( observer.observe(heading);
return () => observer.disconnect();
}, []);
7. Project Showcase
Filterable project grid:
export default function ProjectsSection({ showAll = false }) {
const [selectedTags, setSelectedTags] = useState([]);
const filteredProjects = useMemo(() => {
if (selectedTags.length === 0) return projects;
return projects.filter((project) =>
selectedTags.some((tag) => project.tags.includes(tag)),
}, [selectedTags]);
return (
<section className="projects-section">
<div className="projects-table">
{ => (
<ProjectRow key={project.title} project={project} />
Adding a New Blog Post
- Create markdown file in
[Demo](demo-link) | [Source Code](source-code-link)
# Title
## Introduction
Content here...
- Register in
const blogPosts = [
slug: "your-post",
title: "Your Post Title",
date: new Date("2024-12-19"),
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"],
headerImage: "/header-images/your-image.jpg",
estimatedWordCount: 1000,
status: "completed", // or "development" or "draft"
home: false,
Adding a New Project
Update /lib/projects.js
const projects = [
title: "Your Project",
description: "Project description",
sourceLink: "",
projectLink: "",
tags: ["web"],
home: true,
Adding Library Resources
Update /app/library/page.js
const books = [
title: "Book Title",
author: "Author Name",
coverColor: "#hex-color",
tags: ["Category"],
description: "Description",
const resources = [
title: "Resource Name",
category: "YouTube", // or "Papers" or "Tools"
link: "",
Development Workflow
- Local Development
npm run dev
npm run build && npm run start # Preview production
- Deployment
npm run deploy
- Testing Checklist
- Verify markdown rendering
- Test in both themes
- Check mobile responsiveness
- Verify real-time features
- Run performance audits
- Test with slow network
Performance Optimizations
- Dynamic Imports
const HighlightCode = dynamic(() => import("./HighlightCode"), {
ssr: false,
- Asset Optimization
- Efficient Caching
const cached = statsCache.get(pageId);
if (cached && now - cached.timestamp < CACHE_TIME) {
Future Plans
- Full-text search implementation
- Enhanced image optimization
- Advanced animation system
- Expanded interactive visualizations
- PWA features
- Advanced caching strategies
The site remains open source and continuously evolving. Feel free to explore the source code or reach out with suggestions!