How this site works

Oct 27, 2024


I rebuilt my website using Next.js 14 with React Server Components, focusing on performance, minimalism, and user experience while incorporating powerful features. Here's a detailed breakdown of how everything works.

Core Architecture

File Structure

├── app/                  # Next.js 14 app directory
│   ├── page.js           # Homepage
│   ├── layout.js         # Root layout
│   ├── post/[slug]/      # Dynamic blog routes
│   ├── library/          # Library section
│   └── projects/         # Projects section
├── components/           # React components
├── lib/                  # Utilities and data
├── content/              # Markdown content
└── public/               # Static assets

Core Technologies

  • Next.js 14 with React Server Components
  • Pure CSS with CSS Variables (no frameworks)
  • Supabase for real-time features
  • Custom fonts (Geist Mono & Sentient)

Feature Implementations

1. Dynamic Theming

Automatically detects system preferences and applies themes using CSS variables:

// ThemeHandler.jsx
export default function ThemeHandler() {
  useEffect(() => {
    const setTheme = (e) => {
        e.matches ? "dark" : "light",
    const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
    mediaQuery.addEventListener("change", setTheme);
    return () => mediaQuery.removeEventListener("change", setTheme);
  }, []);

Theme variables:

[data-theme="light"] {
  --color-bg: #ffffff;
  --color-text: #18181b;
  --color-link: #2563eb;

[data-theme="dark"] {
  --color-bg: #09090b;
  --color-text: #fafafa;
  --color-link: #3b82f6;

2. Real-time Statistics

Each page tracks views and likes with efficient caching:

// supabase.js
export async function getStats(pageId) {
  const cached = statsCache.get(pageId);
  if (cached && - cached.timestamp < CACHE_TIME) {

  try {
    const { data } = await supabase
      .select("views, likes")
      .eq("id", pageId)

    // Cache and return results
    const result = data || { views: 0, likes: 0 };
    statsCache.set(pageId, { data: result, timestamp: });
    return result;
  } catch {
    return { views: 0, likes: 0 };

3. Library System

Interactive book showcase with 3D effects:

const BookCard = ({ book }) => {
  const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);

  return (
      className={`book-card ${isActive ? "touch-active" : ""}`}
      onTouchStart={() => setIsActive(true)}
      onTouchEnd={() => setIsActive(false)}
          "--book-color": book.coverColor,
          color: shouldUseWhiteText(book.coverColor) ? "#fff" : "#000",
        <div className="book-content">
          <h3 className="book-title">{book.title}</h3>
          <p className="book-author">{}</p>

4. Code Block System

Multi-language support with syntax highlighting:

const TabsCodeBlock = memo(({ blocks }) => {
  const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState(0);

  return (
    <div className="code-block-container">
      <div className="tabs-code-header">
        <div className="code-tabs">
          {, index) => (
              isActive={activeTab === index}
              onClick={() => setActiveTab(index)}
        <CopyButton code={blocks[activeTab].code} />
      {/* Content rendering logic */}

5. LaTeX Support

Mathematics rendering with KaTeX:

const LatexRenderer = ({ content }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    const mathElements = containerRef.current.querySelectorAll(

    mathElements.forEach((elem) => {
      katex.render(elem.textContent, elem, {
        displayMode: elem.classList.contains("math-display"),
        throwOnError: false,
  }, [content]);

6. Dynamic Table of Contents

Smart TOC with scroll tracking:

const TOCButton = () => {
  const [activeId, setActiveId] = useState("");

  useEffect(() => {
    const observer = new IntersectionObserver(
      (entries) => {
        entries.forEach((entry) => {
          if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      { rootMargin: "-20% 0% -35% 0%" },

    // Observe headings
    document.querySelectorAll("h2, h3, h4").forEach((heading) => {
      if ( observer.observe(heading);

    return () => observer.disconnect();
  }, []);

7. Project Showcase

Filterable project grid:

export default function ProjectsSection({ showAll = false }) {
  const [selectedTags, setSelectedTags] = useState([]);

  const filteredProjects = useMemo(() => {
    if (selectedTags.length === 0) return projects;
    return projects.filter((project) =>
      selectedTags.some((tag) => project.tags.includes(tag)),
  }, [selectedTags]);

  return (
    <section className="projects-section">
      <div className="projects-table">
        { => (
          <ProjectRow key={project.title} project={project} />


Adding a New Blog Post

  1. Create markdown file in /content/blog/
[Demo](demo-link) | [Source Code](source-code-link)

# Title

## Introduction

Content here...
  1. Register in /lib/posts.js:
const blogPosts = [
    slug: "your-post",
    title: "Your Post Title",
    date: new Date("2024-12-19"),
    tags: ["tag1", "tag2"],
    headerImage: "/header-images/your-image.jpg",
    estimatedWordCount: 1000,
    status: "completed", // or "development" or "draft"
    home: false,

Adding a New Project

Update /lib/projects.js:

const projects = [
    title: "Your Project",
    description: "Project description",
    sourceLink: "",
    projectLink: "",
    tags: ["web"],
    home: true,

Adding Library Resources

Update /app/library/page.js:

const books = [
    title: "Book Title",
    author: "Author Name",
    coverColor: "#hex-color",
    tags: ["Category"],
    description: "Description",

const resources = [
    title: "Resource Name",
    category: "YouTube", // or "Papers" or "Tools"
    link: "",

Development Workflow

  1. Local Development
npm run dev
npm run build && npm run start # Preview production
  1. Deployment
npm run deploy
  1. Testing Checklist
  • Verify markdown rendering
  • Test in both themes
  • Check mobile responsiveness
  • Verify real-time features
  • Run performance audits
  • Test with slow network

Performance Optimizations

  1. Dynamic Imports
const HighlightCode = dynamic(() => import("./HighlightCode"), {
  ssr: false,
  1. Asset Optimization
  1. Efficient Caching
const cached = statsCache.get(pageId);
if (cached && now - cached.timestamp < CACHE_TIME) {

Future Plans

  1. Full-text search implementation
  2. Enhanced image optimization
  3. Advanced animation system
  4. Expanded interactive visualizations
  5. PWA features
  6. Advanced caching strategies

The site remains open source and continuously evolving. Feel free to explore the source code or reach out with suggestions!